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My Story

Sunshine on my shoulders feels so lovely.

It has always been there, although I haven’t always felt it.

I had to be reminded through my own healing journey.

And for that I am truly grateful, for the ‘gift’ of a cancer journey, spanning over the past 10 years.

The dis-ease that presented itself in my body, was present due to an unhealthy lifestyle

& the energetics of the painful experiences of the past

But was that pain at all? Or was it perception? Holding on?

Following yet another cancer diagnosis, which made me feel physically ill.

It bought me to the realisation that, if I could make myself ill by the thought alone,

then I can certainly make myself well by the reverse.

Although I had never once ‘given up’, this was a pivotal turning point in my journey.

The belief system that outsourcing medicine had kept me in this cycle.

Keeping me in the lower frequency of fear and disempowerment.

I began healing my body by manifesting healing thoughts & intentions.

I left an ‘outdated’ system that no longer resonated with me.

It bought me here, a place of deep reflection, knowing & understanding of why we are all here

To connect and shine our inner light.

We are all connected, a mirror image,

the fabric of the Universe and the light that shines on each other.

My healing is yours, and yours mine.

I was reminded by this experience that the sunshine is the ‘light’ within and

when you feel the power of this knowledge your true power returns.

You are your medicine & the power is, and always has been within.

Awakening to see another vision.

To be here now, to be part of a new way of healing.

The way it was always meant to BE.

The frequency of who we are, the frequency of sound,

of energy and sharing that energy of love and connection.

With deep sadness comes deep joy.

You must see the shadows in order to see the light and so forth.

We are forever evolving, gaining new insights & knowledge to our truth.

A deeper knowing and exchange of resonance.

I’m not saying life will never have challenges, of course this is the experience. But what if it was a matter of perception. Learning by your chosen experience.

Dig deeper to the teachings of this experience.

Trust in your intuition, give yourself love, connect to your heart, feel the glow within,

be patient, quieten the mind, listen.

What is it that you yearn, what does your body need, what is your heart calling?

There are no limits.

Shine your LIGHT

Today I plant my feet where they have always been intended,

by guiding others to their heart, their truth, their own


My journey is your journey

I am Fiona

I am a Healer

This is my mission

Welcome to a new way of healing



My Approach


Over the past 3 years I have completed studies in Reiki1, SoulNar Sound & Energy Healing,

Sound Bath Facilitator Training, Psychic Development, Angel Messenger L1

and introduction to herbal medicine. ​

My knowledge of natural healing remedies through life experience and

understanding from my own path to wellness are extensive.

My Treatment services will be individually tailored to you, guided by the healing medicine of your needs. To empower you to be enlightened by your own healing.

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